Furniture Protection
Protection With Guardsman Furniture Professionals
Peace of Mind from Day One
Next time you buy furniture, ask your retailer about Guardsman Furniture Protection Plans and start protecting your furniture from the moment it's delivered.
Then rest easy. When something happens to your furniture, pull out your plan and give us a call so we can figure out how to help. Coverage, limitations and exclusions vary by plan and by retailer, but many common problems can be resolved by our expert furniture repair technicians.
Our Furniture Technicians
Specifically trained and experienced in the art and science of furniture repair, they can resolve most covered problems on the first visit to your home. Call when you need us. Our technicians stand ready to fix your furniture so you can continue to enjoy it for years to come.
Protection Plans
Fabric Plus Complete 5 Year
Covered Stains & Damage
- Food and beverage stains
- Human and pet biological stains (Except perspiration, hair and body oils)
- Burns
- Punctures, cuts, tears, rips*
- Springs, frames, mechanisms, motors, levers, power and remote cords used for sleeper, reclining, and inclining applications
- Zippers and buttons breakage
- Seam separation
- Matching pieces
Leather Complete 5 Year
Covered Stains & Damage
- Food and beverage stains
- Human and pet biological stains (Except perspiration, hair and body oils)
- Ballpoint pen ink
- Burns
- Punctures, cuts, tears, rips*
- Springs, frames, mechanisms, motors, levers, power and remote cords used for sleeper, reclining, and inclining applications
- Zippers and buttons breakage
- Seam separation
- Matching pieces
Gold Prime Plus 5 Year
Covered Stains & Damage
- Any household stains
- Human and pet biological stains (Except perspiration, hair and body oils)
- Ballpoint pen ink
- Burns
- Punctures, cuts, tears, rips*
- Springs, frames, mechanisms, motors, levers, power and remote cords used for sleeper, reclining, and inclining applications
- Zippers and buttons breakage
- Seam separation
- Matching pieces
- Household pet damage
- Electronic components such as power outlets, lighting, USB ports, massage mechanisms, docking stations, etc.
In addition, for wood and other hard surfaces:
- Heat Marks
- Checking, cracking, bubbling, peeling of finish
- Scratches, gouges, chips
- Breakage
- Liquid marks or rings
- Loss of silvering on mirror
- Chips, scratches, breakage of glass or mirror
*Contact us for more information